
The Fermi Resolution Worldbook TTRPG

Created by Flying Koala Publishers

Investigative tabletop roleplaying in a post-apocalyptic, fantasy America! Nine hundred years of future history, with adventure, mystery, war, and exploration around every corner. Uses the GUMSHOE rules.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Backerkit starts tomorrow!
about 1 month ago – Mon, Feb 03, 2025 at 02:52:53 PM

Remember: anybody who backs in the first forty eight hours will gain access to an Early Bird special that will give you access to the digital and softcore versions at a discount! Sign up here to follow the project!

The Golem Job! And meet some of the team!
about 2 months ago – Tue, Jan 28, 2025 at 07:02:17 AM

"The Golem Job" is a series of vignettes that I have put together for the final version of the worldbook, and you can check it out here. Remember, the project starts in a week, so if you haven't signed up already and followed this project, please do so. The more followers it has, the easier it'll be for me to get the project noticed more widely. Sign up here!

Also: let me show you some of the folks on the team!

  • Ben Fleuter is our artist. I've crammed as much of his art as I can manage into this book; alas, other people in the business have noticed his talent as well, so he just doesn't have that kind of time anymore. Still, check out his Patreon and his websites.
  • Dungeon Master Tuz is doing the actual, you know, fiddly layout bits that I need to make this a commercial product. He also has a Kickstarter coming up - Fear the Forgotten Foes - in a few months, with an artist that you might recognize. Check him out!
  • Lastly, if you're wondering where I get my maps from, it's Robert Altbauer of Fantasy Map. He does solid, professional work at a competitive price. Doesn't dither, either. If I make a ton of money in the Backerkit I'm likely to give him more work. 

See you in a week!

The WolfMan of Westhaven (check out my Patreon!)
about 2 months ago – Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 05:36:33 PM

Should we make our first stretch goal, we'll be doing an adventure based on "The Wolfman of Westhaven." The PDF of that story is available for free on my Patreon at the link above (you can also find it in my anthology TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION, Vol 1: SHADOW OF THE TOWER). Check it all, as they say, out.

PS: Let me know if comments don't work on this entry.

Behold! Maps!
about 2 months ago – Wed, Jan 22, 2025 at 03:02:23 PM

At least the first map (North America) will be in the final product; the ones for Cin City and Morgan Barod may or may not be. I am in the process of acquiring yet more maps of the continent, at various points of time in the future.

Some filking.
about 2 months ago – Wed, Jan 22, 2025 at 09:57:06 AM

I'm going to be trying to bring in some relevant content on a regular basis. This is a little something that won't make the worldbook, alas.

Defiant Republic

Well, I'm on the Defiant Republic
And she’s sailing past Block Island Sound
We have charted a course past the Boneyard
For tonight we are Bethany bound;

Took on salvage back in Newport yesterday
Left this morning to the smell of rusty spray,
Like all the locals here the sea is now my home
Too proud to die we worked our fingers to the bone
So we could launch the Defiant Republic;
And we swim where the ocean is deep
Tho’ sea monsters slumber in the canyons
It is safe if they just stay asleep.

We have scores to pay, both living and the dead,
Tho’ I’d spend my days with fishing here instead.
These open waters just aren’t safe to sail a ship,
But we’ve got people in the south who need this trip.
So if you see my Defiant Republic
And if you cleave to the Flag and the Seal,
Tell my wife I am braving Atlantis
And I still have my hands on the wheel.

Still we sail the Defiant Republic
Many leagues to the south we have gone;
Though we may have been cursed to look monstrous
How a man acts is his choice alone.
I am a merman, like my father was before
No place in shallows for the mermen anymore:
There is a duty for a man who breathes the sea
To relight the Beacon of our precious liberty!


  • Traditional, 23rd century AD (Second Republic). Melody and words reportedly based on a pre-Discovery popular ballad.