
The Fermi Resolution Worldbook TTRPG

Created by Flying Koala Publishers

Investigative tabletop roleplaying in a post-apocalyptic, fantasy America! Nine hundred years of future history, with adventure, mystery, war, and exploration around every corner. Uses the GUMSHOE rules.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Smoke tests, the preorder store, and a FREE MONTH on Patreon!
3 days ago – Wed, Mar 12, 2025 at 02:04:17 PM

Time for some updates!

  • We will be doing a smoke test this week before sending surveys to backers next week. That means that some of you will be sent your surveys in the next couple of days, so that we can see if there's any problems with the process. So if you do get your survey, please fill it out and let me know if there are any problems.
  • The pre-order store is live! For real now, it looks like. So sayeth Backerkit, at least. Spread the news!
  • If you want to see more Fermi Resolution stuff, I am offering a free month of my Patreon. No obligations, no opt-out, just a free month where you can raid my archives for your own non-nefarious ends. Only thirty free one-month subscriptions, so grab them fast!
  • I will be consulting with my layout guy this week; the project continues apace. Hoping to have the worldbook up and running as quickly as possible.

Thanks again for backing!

The Fermi Resolution Worldbook preorder store is open!
4 days ago – Mon, Mar 10, 2025 at 06:24:52 PM

Feel free to check it out, and honestly? Feel free to tell me what it needs, in terms of bells and whistles. I would actually like this to drive some sales. I'm working with my layout guy this week on how The Fermi Resolution Worldbook is going to look, and I want to hit the ground running.  

(Also: this is an opportunity to score some signed copies of my fiction books.)

Moe Lane

PS: Reminder: the game will be fulfilled via DriveThruRPG, and the physical books will be USA-shipping only. Sorry about the latter, but international postage is getting insane. Honestly, if you're far foreign you're better off using an international KDP market to buy my books that way.

PPS: We are in the process of finalizing surveys, which should be straightforward. They will not be going out until at least next week.

PPPS: The stretch goal adventure will be worked on once the worldbook is in the DriveThruRPG production pipeline. I am pegging it as coming out in the second or third quarter of 2025. Our cross-collaboration reward with Lead & Chrome should be coming out considerably earlier.

And the Backerkit is in the can!
9 days ago – Thu, Mar 06, 2025 at 05:23:03 AM

What happens next is:

  • Pledges get collected.
  • I set up the Backerkit surveys for fulfilment and generally prep the store.
  • The special cross-collaboration piece gets finished.
  • I get money; people get paid.
  • The RPG gets out of layout.
  • I start fulfilling orders. Remember: fulfillment will be done via DriveThruRPG, with the exceptions of the add-ons.
  • People play games!

There may be a step or two that could have been elaborated upon, but that's the general gist of it. Thank you for everyone who backed, and don't forget that our cross-collaborator Lead & Chrome still has a few hours left! 

We've hit the second stretch goal! Also, the Backerkit ends tomorrow.
10 days ago – Wed, Mar 05, 2025 at 07:27:25 AM

The second stretch goal means that the artist and layout artist both get a little tip. Nothing spectacular, but a little extra thank-you. In the meantime, the Fermi Resolution Worldbook has until tomorrow to hit the following stretch goals:

  • $4,000: Another PDF adventure! This will be available to for all backers at Senior Adventurer and above. This adventure will be set in the current campaign time period. A critical forward base in captured Dominion territory isn't reporting in. There aren't enough Alliance troops available to investigate, but that's why there are Adventurers. There will be maps! (Based on my short story "Job Along the Borderlands.")
  • $6,000: A third PDF adventure! This will be available to for all backers at Senior Adventurer and above. This adventure will be set in the opening years of the Great War. There has been a mysterious murder in Boston's fabled underground Antiquity. Who or what is the murderer, what are their plans, and what is to be done about it all? There will be maps! (Based on the yet-to-be-published-in-an-anthology short story "Never Return."

Again, the Backerkit ends tomorrow. Let's end on a high note!

Don't forget to also back our Cross-Collaborator Lead & Chrome!
11 days ago – Mon, Mar 03, 2025 at 04:17:17 PM

We've teamed up with Lead & Chrome from Adventurers Await Studios for this Backerkit. It's also a post-apocalyptic TTRPG, but maybe it's just a little bit grimmer than mine:

Lead and Chrome is a tabletop roleplaying game set in a post-ecocide world where the oceans have dried up, nearly all life has gone extinct, and the small percentage of humans who survived now eke out a living in the ruins of the world their ancestors destroyed.

More mutants and cars, fewer elves and ghulmen. Nonetheless, it's gonna be a cool game and everybody who backs both projects will get a special reward (we're in the process of getting it finished up). So back Lead & Chrome! It'll be good for you.