
The Fermi Resolution Worldbook TTRPG

Created by Flying Koala Publishers

Investigative tabletop roleplaying in a post-apocalyptic, fantasy America! Nine hundred years of future history, with adventure, mystery, war, and exploration around every corner. Uses the GUMSHOE rules.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

First stretch goal reached!
20 days ago – Sun, Feb 23, 2025 at 01:34:34 PM

We have just passed $2,500! Thank you so much! To expand on what backers will be getting:

It is the wild and woolly days of the Twenty-Third Century. A beast-man has attacked a Second Republic trade caravan at Poughkeepsie, and fled east! But is he more man, or more beast? Either way, your party must track him down. There are places along the coast that you would not send your worst enemy...

So, time to update the stretch goals. Note that both stories referenced can be found in TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION, Vol 1.

  • $2,500 (reached): A PDF adventure! This will be available for all backers at Senior Adventurer and above. It's based off of my short story "The Wolf-Man of Westhaven," and will double as a look at a different time period than the main campaign's. There will be maps!
  • $3,000: (current) Tip the team! I'm a firm believer in spreading around good fortune. If we hit this goal, I'll toss in a little something extra for Ben Fleuter (artist) and Dungeon Master Tuz (layout maven). More about them here.
  • $4,000: Another PDF adventure! This will be available to for all backers at Senior Adventurer and above. This adventure will be set in the current campaign time period. A critical forward base in captured Dominion territory isn't reporting in. There aren't enough Alliance troops available to investigate, but that's why there are Adventurers. There will be maps! (Based on my short story "Job Along the Borderlands.")

Thanks again, and let's get to the next stretch goal!

90.6% to the first stretch goal, and watch this space for an announcement next week!
23 days ago – Thu, Feb 20, 2025 at 02:09:52 PM

We have two weeks to go on the Fermi Resolution Worldbook Backerkit, and we're just over $200 away from the first stretch goal! These are the slow days in a crowdfunding project, so I'm asking all of you to spread the word about my project. If you know somebody into post-apocalyptic fantasy tabletop roleplaying, or who just wants a peek into the world of my books, let them know about this project.

And if you haven't backed yet, feel free.

Current stretch goals:

  • $2,500 (current): A PDF adventure! This will be available for all backers at Senior Adventurer and above. It's based off of my short story "The Wolf-Man of Westhaven," and will double as a look at a different time period than the main campaign's. There will be a map!
  • $3,000: Tip the team! I'm a firm believer in spreading around good fortune. If we hit this goal, I'll toss in a little something extra for Ben Fleuter (artist) and Dungeon Master Tuz (layout maven). More about them here.
  • $4,000: Another PDF adventure! Like the current stretch goal, this will be available to for all backers at Senior Adventurer and above. The actual details are to be determined, but again: there will be a map!

Also, keep watching this space Monday. There's another announcement brewing.

New stretch goals for the Fermi Resolution Worldbook Backerkit!
30 days ago – Thu, Feb 13, 2025 at 02:06:55 PM

Since we've just passed the $2,000 mark and are over 80% to the first stretch goal, it's time to announce the next two. I'm also putting up the one we're aiming for now.

  • $2,500 (current): A PDF adventure! This will be available for all backers at Senior Adventurer and above. It's based off of my short story "The Wolf-Man of Westhaven," and will double as a look at a different time period than the main campaign's. There will be a map!
  • $3,000: Tip the team! I'm a firm believer in spreading around good fortune. If we hit this goal, I'll toss in a little something extra for Ben Fleuter (artist) and Dungeon Master Tuz (layout maven). More about them here.
  • $4,000: Another PDF adventure! Like the current stretch goal, this will be available to for all backers at Senior Adventurer and above. The actual details are to be determined, but again: there will be a map!

Keep watching this space for more stretch goals!

Meet our cross-collaborator Lead & Chrome!
about 1 month ago – Fri, Feb 07, 2025 at 09:00:34 AM

As I mentioned earlier, we're doing a cross-collaboration with Benjamin Palmer, fellow designer of post-apocalyptic tabletop RPGs. His is called Lead & Chrome, featuring a 'Mad Max and mutants' wasteland where survival is never assured. If you find Fallout 4's Survival mode slightly unsatisfying because there are still no automobiles, this game should scratch your itch.

We are currently working on a special reward that will be available for everybody who backs both projects. Can't give any details - don't want to jinx it until stuff is locked down - but it'll be cool, and work in both campaign worlds. In the meantime, check out his Backerkit, and give Lead & Chrome a shot!

An excellent first day, and a cross-collaboration!
about 1 month ago – Wed, Feb 05, 2025 at 07:58:44 AM

We had a very good first day yesterday, funding within eight hours and now we're more than a third of our way to our first stretch goal (a PDF adventure, set in an earlier time period of the setting). So we keep going! There's always more to do.

We've also gotten a cross-collaboration going! We're partnering up with Lead & Chrome: A Post-Apocalyptic Tabletop RPG for some of that synergistic goodness, or whatever the right buzzwords are. If 'Max Max with Mutants' is more your style, Lead & Chrome has you covered, and the aesthetic is excellent. We're working out now what kind of reward people who back both projects will get; more details coming soon.

Thanks for backing! And consider backing, too!